Oracle Innovative Technologies Summit 2018 – Invitation to the conference, 6/6/2018

Oracle Innovative Technologies Summit 2018 – Invitation to the conference, 6/6/2018

How to modernize your IT department, reduce costs by moving business processes to cloud, the benefits of next-generation technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, chatbots, and how Oracle can help you leverage their business benefits … just some of questions you can answer on June 6 at the 12th annual Oracle Conference.

This year’s Oracle Innovative Technologies Summit will bring together many experts from both Croatian and foreign speakers, and try to provide solutions and answers to the latest demands for innovation and events on the global and regional IT scene.

Along with Oracle’s key speakers presentations, a dozen interesting lectures and presentations on case studies are expected, as well as the introduction of a new, revolutionary Oracle Service – Data as a Service (DaaS) that provides users with unprecedented levels of connectivity and understanding of customers.

Among other things find out:

  • As Internet stuff (IoT) shapes and influences the direction of digital transformation and business development
  • What is the secret success of Amphinicy Technologies for 20 years successfully produces software for the upscale satellite industry
  • As Multicom and CARNET successfully implemented the lake of information in the largest national education project „e-Škole“
  • Why Neos and Infoart migrated their systems to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
  • What can TMA’s marketing system be for IN2


If you have not registered yet and want to find answers to these and other interesting questions

and join your fellow-minded ones and discover what your opportunities are opening up with the development of technology.

This is your chance to explore today what is coming tomorrow!